NEW Multi-Angle Camera Views for Tech Smartphones for 2013

With smart phones, tablets becoming the norm in mobile devices, they are seen everywhere. Using hand-held devices to look at Facebook pages, people taking pictures and placing them on Instagram to share with their friends and the world.  The obsession with our mobile phones always being nearby, allows users to be able to capture events on camera more frequently than ever before. Sharing with friends a specific moment in our lives that normal text messages just can’t touch.

Being able to capture video from more than one camera angle takes home videos to the next level. Some even say a professional film crew standard can be achieved from your smart phone (subtracting the quality of the camera). Smart phone cameras, all now have the norm of 8 megapixels or higher, now all handheld cameras concentrating their efforts on video editing. A couple of mobile phone manufactures such as LG and HTC currently have a version of Muvee editing software already installed.

Thanks to companies like Nvidia Tegra or Qualcomm, their new generation processors for smart phones will pack enough power to be able to handle video for the next generation of 4k televisions. Taking the technology of today’s High Definition quality to more than three times the pixels overall.  With the next generation of cell phones increasing their processing power, cell phones will have brut power and speed to process high-definition movies. Of course the quality of the programs that will be made for these cell phone processors, will define  which would be the best product.

You don’t have to wait for these next generation of cell phones and processors to be released to the general public. There are some movie editors that allow you to edit movies from multiple angles directly on your mobile device. A product called switch cam allows multiple users the ability to capture video of the same event and share them on a unique server. Which then allows other users to take another video of the same event made by someone else and compile the video together. Though the choices for Android are slim, an app called Vyclone made to work with the iOS and android platform seems to catch the public eye the most.  This app allows other people you know to record a video and stream it together and pick a variety choice of angles for your movie.

What do you think of the trend of smart phones for video editing?


Here is a link to go check out how this program works, .


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  1. Pingback: Multi-view for camera on new 2013 smartphones! | soultechitfast

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